Ne mediat e huaja 2 kandidat nga PF-ja

Kandidatet nga Partia e Forte permenden qysh ne vitin 2011 si te rinje shembuj me ambicje dhe ide interesante ne fushen e tekonlogjise informative.

Valon Badivuku, the 23-year-old University of Pristina student who led the team, said he thinks the language is a treasure.”If we send the treasure outside, they can have [it too],” Badivuku concluded. He intends to have Elexoj online and in business this week.

If 17-year-old high school student Gent Thaci is any indication, the country’s tech future looks very bright.
“I’m willing to do anything to help Kosovo grow,” he said.
Thaci’s team spent the weekend creating a near-shore Linux server administration system, so Kosovars don’t have to outsource Web hosting to places like India.


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